We are vocal advocates of human rights and engage with governments, civil society organisations, media and...
We aim to reduce and prevent child trafficking and protect children’s rights in Ghana. This happens...
We influence national policy, raise awareness and create advocates to fight modern slavery.
We work with community members, survivors of slavery, and their families to build resilence against child...
In order to effectively combat a problem like trafficking, we must understand the scope and nature of the...
The protection and promotion of children’s rights is at the heart of Challenging Heights’...
Through our Partners in Development opportunities, supporters of Challenging Heights have the opportunity...
Part of our vision to end child trafficking is to provide youth with a solid foundation of career skills....
We recognise the systemic oppression of women; women encounter greater barriers to education and employment...
Economically empowering caregivers, especially women, is vital in preventing child trafficking. The...
Challenging Heights has worked with Butterflies since 2013 to deliver the Khazana Programme. Designed to...
In order to build community resilence, we rely on community volunteers to be on the lookout for child...
From our deep community involvement, we know there are often disputes between families and couples. No...
We conduct a number of rescue missions each year, rescuing dozens of children. Through tips from community...
Every rescued child and their family are provided with comprehensive support throughout the reintegration...