PERSONAL STORY.......From a receptionist to a Nursing Students.....

Meet Mary, a first-year nursing training student at Tamale Nurses and Midwifery Training School. 

Mary is a 24-year-old lady who worked on Lake Volta as a child until she was rescued. After her rescue, she was taken through school until she completed High School. Mary had the dream of becoming a professional nurse hence she pleaded with her parents to help her further her education after High School but they resisted and left Mary to her fate.  

 Upon countless failed attempts to persuade her parents, Mary applied for a job as a receptionist in a hotel to save some money to further her education and become a nurse. She worked for three years as a receptionist but could only make enough money to provide for her personal needs and nothing more. Fortunately for Mary, she heard about our Enhanced Reintegration program which is our Mentorship Program, and applied. 

She qualified to be in the program after she applied, and so our Mentorship team acquired a Nurses training School form for her and she gained admission. Mary is currently in school and is extremely grateful that her dream of becoming a nurse is underway all because of your continuous support. 

We appreciate you all for supporting the goals of people like Mary, thank you!