Rescued Story: Living her dream at Max Stenbeck Mother and Child Recovery Center

We would like to share a personalstory of one of our girls at the Max Stenbeck Women's Training Center today!

This beautiful young girl is called Monica and is 13 years old. She comes from a town called Gomoa Ayensuade where she lived with her mother.  Monica’s parents got divorced leaving her mother to take care of her and her other siblings after they relocated to this town without her father. 

Because her mother didn’t have a job, they almost always had little to eat at home. Monica was one day sent by a neighbour to buy foodstuffs for him, she was happy being sent on this errand because she knew she would get something to eat after this man had cooked with the items she bought. Upon her return, the man gave her a drink, she happily drank it because she didn’t get it often. The next thing Monica saw was to wake up on the man’s bed. This man had drugged her and had his way with her. 

Eventually, Monica got pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl. Through our sensitization programs, the social warfare referred her to Challenging Heights and has since been at Max Stenbeck Women's Center, which is our mother and child project site. 

She’s currently in the fashion and design department training to be a fashion designer. Monica has always dreamt of being a unisex fashion designer and being at the center is a dream come true for her.

With your help, she and her daughter are comfortable and happy being at the center because they lack nothing. She’s also been given a lawyer who is handling her case to make sure Justice is served!