Tee's Inspiring Story.....

After 6 years of reintegration, we had Tee on our radio station @NyceFm to share his story with our audience. 

Tee, after the demise of his father was taken to Lake Volta with his uncle who promised to take care of him and also enroll him in school. Because of the uncle's promises and the fact that his mother was then struggling to cater for him and his other siblings after the death of her husband, she agreed without hesitation.

He was just 6 years old at the time he was taken to the Lake. His uncle, just like others did not fulfill his promises of ensuring that Tee had a good life growing up. He instead used him as a fisherboy for five years on the lake until Challenging Heights rescued him after his mother reported the issue to us. Tee was 11 years old at the time of rescue. 

After going through the necessary rehabilitation process, he was reintegrated back with his mother and has since been given educational and family support by Challenging Heights until today. Tee is now 17 years old and in Junior High School hoping to complete soon. He hopes to become a fashion designer after completing. He used the opportunity to advise our audience about the dangers and effects of child trafficking and child labour on victims.

He also extended his appreciation to Challenging Heights and all who through their constant support, donations, and love have brought him this far.