At the age of 5, Ems was a fisher boy.....

Most children who work on the Lake usually have their childhood taken away from them and Ems happens to be one of these children. 

Conceived on Lake Volta but born in Winneba, Ems started working as a fisherboy at the age of 5 after his mother returned to the Lake 3 years after his birth. He worked as a fisherboy who fished three times a day, disentangled nets, mended broken nets, and also helped in preparing fish for sale. 

Due to the nature of the work he did, he barely had enough time to sleep and was almost always hungry. Though Ems worked with his biological father, his stepmother made life very difficult for him by always making false complaints about him to his father who also beat him up without asking for his side of the story. 

Ems, having no one to defend him had to endure more of this treatment after the untimely demise of his mother. After 8 years of working on the Lake, he was rescued by us in 2017 and has since been in our care until today. Ems who is currently in Junior High School shared his intriguing story on Nyce FM and used the opportunity to call on all and sundry to become a strong advocate for child trafficking, child labour, and children’s rights.