Convention on the Rights of the Child

It will soon mark the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

The UNCRC was a treaty that resulted in the fastest and most widely ratified treaty in international human rights history. It allocated that all children (17 years and under) have a clear set of rights.

Since the ratification of the UNCRC I believe that children have become better off in Ghana and all over the world but there is still a lot of work to be done. Much of our work at Challenging Heights is even in accordance with the UNCRC as we work to ensure every child achieves their right to education and are protected from hazardous child labour.

Ghana was the first country to ratify it and in addition created the Children’s Act and included article 25 in our Constitution. Article 25 states, “all persons shall have the right to equal education opportunities and facilities and with a view to achieving the full realisation of that right.”

Many of the children we have worked with are not only denied an education but have been denied a loving family environment. At Challenging Heights we believe it is compulsory for the children to be taken care of by both parents regardless if they are married, divorced, or born from wedlock. This is very important for the children because it creates an environment in which they can thrive and ask for what belongs to them…their childhood.

Children are the development of our future. They may become teachers, lawyers, politicians, doctors, journalists – their voices will be heard and be the next generation of social change. All of us have a duty to protect our children. I believe that we should use the UNCRC as a guideline for all children.

As a society, we have a duty to act on the UNCRC to ensure children have their right to life, education, and a loving family, and hope for their future. Internationally and in your own community you can help make a difference in the lives of children.
All of us must rise in the protection of our children.